Ajahn Brahm to give talks on Feb 16, 17 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia
The New Straits Times, Feb 8, 2011
Johor Baru, Malaysia -- BUDDHIST devotees should keep Feb 16 and 17 free as the Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera will be in Johor Baru.
<< Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera will teach meditation techniques on Feb 17
Ajahn, who was born Peter Betts in London, will be at the Grand Bluewave Hotel at 8pm on Feb 16 to give a talk entitled Dif - ficulties are Unavoidable but Misery is Optional.
All are welcome and admission is free, as all costs are borne by members of the Metta Lodge Buddhist Centre Johor Baru.
On Feb 17, Ajahn will teach meditation techniques at the Metta Lodge. This will be followed by a talk entitled How do I Get Enlightened in this Life? at 8pm.
Due to space constraints, Metta Lodge can only accommodate 40 par ticipants.
Ajahn, a Theravada monk, is also the abbot of the Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, Western Australia.
Coming from a working-class background, Ajahn won a scholarship to study theoretical physics at Cambridge University in the late 1960s, graduating with first-class honour s.
After Cambridge, he taught in a high school for one year before going to Thailand to become a monk and train under Ajahn Chah, a monk renowned for his strict monastic discipline, simplicity of life and the practice of forest tradition.
Forest tradition involves using the remote wilderness and forest dwellings as training grounds for spiritual practice.
Ajahn was ordained in Bangkok when he was 23 years old. He subsequently spent nine years studying the forest tradition.
He is a sought-after dhamma teacher.
Ajahn dedicates his time and attention to the sick, those in prisons and people wanting to learn medi t at i o n .
Ajahn has written two books entitled Opening the Door of Your Hear t (formerly published as Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?) and Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond: A Meditator’s Handbook.
Ajahn’s Dhamma talks are available for free download in both digital audio and video format.
For details, call 019-779 6007 or 016-761 1666.