Buddhism, Christianity share goals: Dalai Lama

France24, 13 October 2013

Mexico City, Mexico -- The Dalai Lama told Mexicans on Saturday that Christianity and Buddhism coincide in their pursuit of human happiness.


Brazil to be represented by a delegation in the UN International Buddhist Conference

by Gabriel Laera, The Buddhist Channel, April 27, 2007

Rio De Janeiro, Beazil -- Brazil will be represented in the UN International Buddhist Conference that will occur from 26th to 29th of May, in Bangkok, by members of the Director Board of Brazil Buddhist Society(BBS). The Brazilian delegation will be composed Jorge Aloice Gomes and Gabriel Nunes Laera, President and General Secretary, respectively.


First Buddhist temple in Caribbean rising on St. Thomas

By SEAN McCOY, Virgin Islands Daily News, May 29 2006

ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands -- The turquoise waters and swaying palms of St. Thomas could not be much farther from the Indian birthplace of Buddhism, but local practitioners of the eastern religion, as well as others seeking spiritual enlightenment or simply a clear mind, soon will have a space for meditation on the northern shore of St. Thomas.


Tibet: Dalai Lama Concludes Three-Day Visit to Peru

Phayul, May 11, 2006

Lima, Peru -- His Holiness the Dalai Lama today successfully concluded his three-day visit to Peru with the address to the intellectuals and opinion makers at the auditorium of National Library of Peru. Around 520 intellectuals and opinion makers attended the talk.


His Holiness Concludes His Argentina Visit

TibetNet, May 3, 2006

Buenos Aires, Argentina -- Yesterday His Holiness the Dalai Lama concluded his visit to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, with four important public events.


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