A Lesson-Filled Tale Unfolds in New Children's Book by Buddhist Monk
The Buddhist Channel, Aug 8, 2007
KANSAS CITY, Kansas (USA) -- Parents looking for entertaining children's books that teach children some very important lessons about life will find what they are looking for with the recent release of a new book from children's books author Kudagammana Seelaratana.
In The She-Falcon and the Quail (Paperback $12.99; Xlibris Publishing), slated to hit bookstores this week, Seelaratana weaves an entertaining tale about courage, obedience and humility, through the story of two natural adversaries.
Told in stunning illustrations and simple words, this children's picture book tells the story about a she-falcon and a baby quail who each learn an important lesson in life after their fateful encounter. Their paths cross each other's when the baby quail disobeys his father and wanders out into the open field.
When he is captured by the she-falcon, he cries and humbly begs his captor to set him free. The proud she-falcon relents, rationalizing that she can always get the quail whenever she wants. This sets the stage for a fateful episode that will end up teaching both birds a very important lesson in life.
About the Author
Kudagammana Seelaratana, current senior resident monk of Chicago Buddhist Vihara, had been ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1973 at Kudagammana Sri Sudassana Chethiyaramaya, in Sri Lanka, at 17 years of age. He received his novice education from Sri Ganeshwara Pirivena, located at famous Gangaramaya in Colombo and entered into the University of Kelaniya. He bears a Master's degree in Buddhist Philosophy and sociology. After serving as a government teacher for more than 20 years, he came to the United States and works as a volunteer Buddhist religious mentor residing at Chicago Buddhist Vihara in Illinois. He has been a story writer to children's newspapers for more than 25 years now.
The She-Falcon and the Quail
Author: Kudagammana Seelaratana.
Publication Date: June 15, 2007
Picture Book: $12.99; 24 pages; 978-1-4257-8071-5