Stunning photographic book unveils the changing face of Buddhism

The Buddhist Channel, Aug 22, 2007

Marlton, NJ (USA) -- “The photographic images of Buddhist iconography found in this book, as well as the pithy sayings … help elevate the mind toward the …consolation, comforting, and healing of what seems to be ubiquitous suffering and pain everywhere, and much, too much death.” - Simhananda

The Buddha, whose image and likeness is found throughout the world in thousands of statues and paitings, is always represented with certain physical attributes, and in specified dress and specified poses. Each pose, and particularly the position and gestures of the Buddha's hands, has a defined meaning which is familiar to Buddhists.

The photography of Simhananda -- a mysterious, reclusive avid world traveler – captures the spiritual essence of the Buddha like perhaps no book ever has. Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Khadromas and the Way of the Pilgrim (Orange Palm Publications, December 2007) is a stunning photographic journey which reveals the changing face of Buddhism, with inspirational, spirtually uplifiting (and sometimes humorous) sayings accompanying each photograph. The text is provided in English, French and Italian.

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Khadromas and the Way of the Pilgrim is a ‘universal’ book; a work of art designed for people of all levels of spirtual understanding, all religions, and all who enjoy beautiful photographs. The presentation and text provides a veritable ‘East meets West’ platform; non-threatening and unintimidating.

To Simhananda, a man who shuns attention (his author photo in the book is in silhouette), the book is an invitation to discovery; a gentle call for readers to simply enjoy and if they wish, embrace timeless teachings. Supplanting ‘preachiness’ with messages of love, peace and enlightenment, the photographs of the Buddha and accompanying sayings invite curiousity and engender soulful introspection.

“The reader of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Khadromas and the Way of the Pilgrim becomes part of something larger, a part of the universality which connects us all as kindred souls, regardless of race, religion or philosophy,” says Josee Senecal, Chief Editor of Orange Palm Publications. “It is a tool which opens the door to a journey of awareness, love and peace. In a world mired in turbelence, war, and fear, the book is an oasis which has arrived at the ideal time.”

Filled with 100 large and 201 small color photographs, portions of the proceeds from the sale Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Khadromas and the Way of the Pilgrim will benefit various humanitarian organizations.

The enigmatic Simhananda insists that the message, not the author or photographer, remain the focus of attention.

“I am not important, I have simply captured images teeming with spiritual power – if the reader allows their mind to open,” says Simhanada. “Buddhism is gentle and generous, as are humans at their best. My book is a celebration, a pathway to healing created by transformative photographs and prose. Its wisdom is conveyed without judgment or pretense, but with pure love and amplification of the wondrous human spirit which binds us all.”

Simhananda is an avid ‘terra’ traveler and his photography captures the essence of his many travels. He recently produced four captivating calendars and is currently working on another photography book on the timeless beauty of Mother Nature. He is also the author of a book on Zen Bhuddism. Simhananda adopted two Chinese girls, one Tibetan child, and is presently in the process of adopting a second.

He lives quietly and privately outside Montreal, Canada.

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Khadromas and the Way of the Pilgrim:
A Transformative Book of Photography and Pithy Sayings
(in English, French and Italian)
Author: Simhananda
ISBN 10: 0-9734439-8-1
ISBN 13: 978-0-9734439-8-1
Price: US $79.95; Canada $89.40
Trim: 9.5” x 12.5”; 24.3 cm. x 31 cm
Photographs: 100 large and 201 color
Page count: 224

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