Wrong depiction of Buddhist history in India

by Kishore Walanju, Mumbai, India, The Buddhist Channel, Aug 17, 2011

I am surprised that ‘Buddhist Channel’ has published such a misleading article written by Mr. Sandeep Sharma” Hindu Survival and Buddhist Disappearance During Medieval India”.

Mr. Sharma has changed history of Buddhist India by writing this article without any evidence or supporting data. Mr. Sharma (being ‘Brahmin’) is trying to protect his Brahmin ancestor who destroyed Buddhism in India.

The Prince Brahdrad ( the grand-son of King Ashoka) was killed by Brahmin Leader Pushyamitra Shung in a conspiracy and these Brahmins destroyed the monasteries and massacred Buddhist monks. (Reference, see “Saha Soneri Pane” – book written by Brahmin scholar Shri. V D Sawarkar).

The Brahmins claims that they are ‘Aryans”, people with origins from the North Pole in Europe. They migrated to india and ruled by creating a caste system to maintain their supremacy (Reference, see ‘Artic home of theVedas’ book by Brahmin scholar Lokmanya Tilak. (available on Wikipedia) .

Let Mr. Sharma give proof of ancient texts where the word “Hindu” appears. Nowhere in Brahmins religious text book i.e. Vedas, Upanishdas, Manusmruti, etc does the word "Hindu" is written.

The people residing at the banks of the Indus river were called “Sindhu “ but were pronounced as Hindu by Turkish rulers because they could not pronounce ‘S’ (accent ‘H’ instead of ‘S’).

In the 16th century when the British came and ruled India they officially recognized these people (OBC, SC & ST) as Hindus. The ‘Vedic’ is a religion of the Brahmins, which basically is a veil of the Hindus. This is what is called Hindu religion.

Brahmins are always priest of the their gods and non-Brahmins (OBC, SC, ST) were made to worship Brahmins and their gods. Non-brahmins are not allowed to be priest nor given religious privileges.

It is true that Arab, Turk, Afgani, etc came and ruled India but they did not destroy Buddhist temples/monasteries. The Mahabodhi temple is still there in Bihar and Ajantha & Yellora, Sarnath, Sanchi and stupas and chaityas are still existing in India.

It is a fact that Brahmins themselves destroyed ancient Buddhist Universities such as Nalanda ,Takshashila, Vikramshila . Surviving Buddhist monks ran off to Myanmar with a few texts, thus preserving whatever that was left.

Brahmins converted famous Buddhist temple such as Vithoba (Pandharpur), Balaji, Mahabalipuram , Somnath, Jagganath Puri into so called Hindu temples (reference; see ”History of Buddhism” by Brahmin scholar Mr.Apte)

Before the British came, India was ruled by Muslim rulers such as Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan. Mr. Sharma has written false article stating that Hindu king resisted Muslim ruler and Hinduism could not be wiped out.

There are evidence that Hindus (OBC, SC, ST) converted to Islam because they were being discriminated in the caste system introduced by Brahmins through their religious text ‘manusmruti’ (Reference, see “Gulamgiri” by scholar and social reformer Shri Jyotirao Phule).

May I request that the editorial team from Buddhist Channel to refrain from publishing such misleadings articles with regards to the true history of Buddhist India.

Note: OBC (other backward classes) , SC (scheduled caste) ST (scheduled tribes). These so called Hindus have now begun to follow Buddhism after knowing their past history . Recently 1.5 million from the "Maratha" community in Maharashtra State, India converted to a new movement called "Shivdharma". The founder Dr. A H Salunke of this new religion and who has written book "The great son of soil - Lord Buddha" said that once their people come out from the mindset of Hinduism under the new religion, then they will further convert them into Buddhism.

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