This seems to overlook the wilfull violence and genocide perpetrated by Christians over the past 2000 years. From the Crusades to the Inquisition to the Reformation to the genocide against American Indians to bombing abortion clinics and murdering doctors who provide abortions, Christianity has a history every bit as bloody as Islam. In America there is a strain of Christianity rising that would impose its own Taliban-like strictures on society. There is a family resemblence between Christianity and Islam.
Unfortunately Christians have a tendency to gloss over the atrocities committed in the name of their faith- just like every religion does. Buddhism played a role in Japanese atrocities committed during World War II, so even Buddhism is not blameless and yet we present ourselves as a religion of peace. And
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and all faiths have some people with generous spirits who work selflessly towards the betterment of life for others. Better to strive towards their example than to point fingers of blame at those of other faiths.
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