Buddhist "central figure of authority" exists in Mongolia

by Keith Milton, Victoria, B.C., Canada, The Buddhist Channel, Aug 28, 2006

Further to your recent article on the Dalai Lama's visit to Mongolia, the author referred to "the lack of a central figure of authority in Mongolia" as a reason for the fragmented quality of Buddhist organisation in that country.

I write to point out that the present Dalai Lama recognised H.H. Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Rinpoche in the early 1990s as the reincarnation of the previous Buddhist ruler of Mongolia and assisted in the establishment of his monastery, Tak Ten House, near Dharamsala.

On a recent visit to Mongolia HH. Khalkha Jetsun Dampa was received very enthusiastically by thousands of Mongolians (some of whom deliberately hid his passport in order to delay his departure).

Therefore there is a legitimate and respected "central figure of authority" in waiting as it were.

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