"In times of pervasive deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

by Venerable Kobutsu Malone, Osho; Sedgwick, Maine (USA), The Buddhist Channel, Sept 26, 2007

Thank you so much for sharing the article "Sons of Buddha in Prison" with your blog audience.  Like you, I was brought to tears reading of the torture and murder of our closest of brothers in the hell holes run by the oppressive and thoroughly corrupt military dictatorship that holds the Burmese people in abject poverty and fear.

George Orwell said many years ago, "In times of pervasive deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." The Monks and Nuns of Burma in non-violent solidarity are standing at the risk of death to speak the truth to absolutely corrupt power. My heart, and mind; my guts, my very flesh and marrow stand in solidarity with the Buddhist clergy and the common people of Burma.

Were I younger, healthier and present on the ground in Burma I too would be in the streets of Burma walking in silent solidarity with the Burmese people. There are all sorts of causes, there are politics and ideologies -- yet in the streets of cities and towns throughout Burma, as I write, human beings are placing their lives on the line for none of those reasons.

The struggle for freedom and democracy in Burma is not a mere political or ideological issue, it is a moral and ethical imperative of the highest order.

In these coming days of turmoil, both in and outside of Burma, more and more we as citizens of the world, and we as clergy of the Buddhadharma will be faced again and again with increasing moral imperitives that we can not but obey as we put our bodies on the line for what is right and just for the welfare of all beings.

I go again this day to offer incense with the intention that the iron fisted military rulers of Burma recognize the inevitable change of all things and trust that they can open their hearts and minds to recognize that there are times when one's only sane choice involves surrender.

May all beings come in contact with the fundamental awakened state of mind that resides in every being.

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