An appeal to Myanmar Leader Gen Than Shwee

by Alvin Wong, Singapore, The Buddhist Channel, Sept 30, 2007

I would like to appeal to the government of Myanmar to find a middle way solutions in order to maintain the happiness of the people in Myanmar.

The Buddhist monks and nuns are not fighting for power or controlling the country. Recent protests are the manifestation from the years of suffering imposed on Myanmar people. Buddhist community there want to do something in order to eleviate the suffering of the Myanmar people. The basic suffering there is the inability for most of the people there to survive for their daily basic life. These are daily basic foods, health and basic shelters.

Military is essential to protect the country and the people, but not to use for the gains of few elites. If Than Shwee still interested to manage the country, he should contribute to these few fundamental works for his people.

1. Basic economic development to eleviate the poverty of the people. This should benefits the people first instead of the the elite military officials. Concession deals with China and India shall benefit the greater population instead of the elite officials.

2. Respect the Sanghas and treasure peoples' life.

3. Amnesty to political prisoners

4. Engage professionals in the government administrations. Good warriors are not a good administrator (One of the reason why the Mongolian empire falled)

5. Engage and particiapte with the outside world.

Once these basic works are established, he can implement democracy election, either he wants to retire or participate, and the people may want to support him as a leader for the past excellent works performed.

Otherwise he may died in misery like his predecessor General Ne Win.

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