The talk of the wrong doings of the Taliban and their associates create a political atmosphere, and raise much concerns as to where they are supported. Whether anyone believes it or not, the biggest supporters of terrorism aren't the muslims of the middle east, but those of high powered technology and weaponry.
Keep that in mind, that destroying a Buddhist statue, though not very wholesome, isn't as bad as a weak health care system in the U.S. when they have enough sense and money to assist everyone there, a war on terrorism which creates more terrorism.
People who have the choice to do good, and are in the position politically to do it, do more harm to the people of the world than does blowing up a Buddhist statue.
Basically, I am not for anyone performing violent acts in regards to helping them. Sometimes people need a wake up call to realize where their minds are. That doesn't mean violent acts are justified, it means we must all look at the duality within our minds we are so strongly attached to.
Of course, this will fall upon deaf ears, blind eyes. The point of the whole response was - and is - to point to the attachments of images we as living beings have. It shouldn't matter who does what. It should matter how we consider things to be.