Letter of apology

by Ven Dharmakara Boda, Los Angeles, USA< the Buddhist Channel, March 31, 2008

In light of the information disclosed by Britain's GCHQ about China's involvement in instigating the violent riots in Tibet, as well as my own words in regard to them, I believe that it is more than appropriate to not only apologize to the readers of the Buddhist Channel, but also suffer the consequences of those words.

There are no excuses that can be offered, but maybe these events demonstrate the importance of why members of the Sangha should not be involved in politics, even in commenting about them as I have, because it is just too easy to get duped and be played as if one is a pawn.

Has all of this changed my position on politics within the Sangha? No, it hasn't. Because of this I shall be refraining from any more commentaries, editorials, and other writings related to such matters, and instead will begin reflecting on whether or not it's time to move on, because it was never my intention to create dukkha, long enough get ensnared it.

May all sentient beings find release from suffering.

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