Who annihilated Buddhism in India?

by Visakha Kawasaki, Kandy, Sri Lanka, The Buddhist Channel, Aug 28, 2008

Could I ask Ven. Kobutsu Malone (“Let us not confuse forgiveness with forgetfulness” 8/13/) with whom in his opinion we should be upset about the decline of Buddhism in India long centuries ago?  Muslims in general? The White Huns? The late Mahmoud of Gazni in particular?

Although the Wikipedia reference he cited said “Hindu monarchs endorsed the religion (viewing it as their own.),” there is another interpretation which blames Hinduism, especially Advaita Vidanta, for the annihilation of Buddhism in India.

Many modern Indian Buddhists, escaping from casteism and untouchability, have no illusions about the ugly motives behind fundamentalist Hindu leaders claiming that the Buddha was merely an "avatar" of Vishnu.

Certainly these Dhammapada verses must be applicable to events of the distant past, where we aren't even sure who to blame!

‘He abused me, he struck me, he overcame me, he robbed me’
— in those who harbor such thoughts hatred will never cease.

‘He abused me, he struck me, he overcame me, he robbed me’
— In those who do not harbor such thoughts hatred will cease.

(Dhammapada 1.3-4)

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