Do not confuse HH Karmapa, XVII Ogyen Trinley Dorje with another Karmapa

by Alpo Ratia, Turku, Finland, The Buddhist Channel, Dec 25, 2010

Many thanks for the good work Buddhist Channel TV has been doing for years.  However, regarding the article reprinted from AsiaNews (Dec 6, 2010) I must point out that obfuscation and identity theft  mars the otherwise good article entitled “Tibetan Buddhism celebrates 900 years of the Karmapa Lama”.

The photo is correct and taken of HH Karmapa, XVII Ogyen Trinley Dorje who presided at the event. He has been recognized by the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Government in Exile (Dharamsala) and by the majority of Tibetans.

The name unfortunately repeated over again in the article is of someone else – another contender (Trinley Thaye Dorje) claiming to be the Karmapa and supported by a relatively small faction (comprised especially of non-Asians).

There is frequent confusion in non-Buddhist and non-Tibetan media, and further particularsare available for the asking. In the meanwhile you can check out relevant news from the independent Tibetan news portal in New Delhi:

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