Dalai Lama teaches Tibetan youths to embrace Emptiness and Bodhicitta
The Buddhist Channel, 1 June 2023
Dharamsala, India -- On the second day of teachings for Tibetan youths, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama gave the 1,000 strong participants the permission to "practice Manjushri, the Bodhisattva who embodies wisdom and intelligence".

His Holiness encouraged the students to reflect on the greatness of Jé Tsongkhapa, renowned as a great being blessed by Manjushri. Jé Tsongkhapa was known for his wisdom and studied in all the great Tibetan monastic traditions, that is the Sakya, Nyingma, Kagyu and Kadam. Students were encouraged to emulate his dedication to acquire knowledge and wisdom.
“I remember seeing young monks prostrating before the reliquary and reciting Manjushri’s mantra, ‘Om a ra pa tsa na dhi’, said the Dalai Lama. "I remember saying it too. Doing this helps us increase our wisdom and intelligence, enabling us to see reality more clearly. When our minds are clear, we’re better able to use our natural intelligence.
The Dalai Lama continued on the benefits of embracing Manjushri practice. “Gradually", His Holiness said, "...as you engage in outer, inner and secret practices in relation to Manjushri you’ll find your intelligence becomes great, clear, profound and swift. You become more adept in composition, debate and teaching. I’ve received transmission of all the various practices related to Manjushri".
His Holiness encouraged the students to generate the awakening mind of bodhichitta, the altruistic aspiration to enlightenment. He implored them to chant ‘Om a ra pa tsa na dhi’ the moment they wake up every morning.
"I’ve felt a strong connection with Manjushri since I was a young child," he explains. "It’s clear to me that as a result of continuously reciting this mantra and the ‘Praise to the Intelligent One’ known in Tibetan as ‘Gangloma’, my intelligence and wisdom have become sharper. Therefore, I urge you, my Dharma friends, to recite Manjushri’s praise and mantra too. It will enhance your ability to study and learn".
Guiding his listeners through the Manjushri permission, His Holiness explained that thanks to the kindness of the teachers, his confidence in realizing emptiness and bodhicitta became a reality. When it came to offering the ritual cake to disperse hindrances, he remarked that no one is a hindrance to him. Instead, he summons such beings in order to teach them.
His Holiness also pointed out that we create all sorts of negative karma. He stressed that it is best to help others, but "if you can't help, at least you can avoid harm".
After giving permission, His Holiness said it was important to convince his disciples that with the blessing of Manjushri Bodhisattva, they would be able to realize bodhicitta and the wisdom of understanding emptiness. He added that although there are many Buddhist countries in the world, only Tibetan Buddhism retains the ability to explain the Dharma in detail, as is the case with the Nalanda tradition.
His Holiness then summarized the day's teachings with the following advice: "It’s because I cultivate bodhichitta and an understanding of emptiness (that) people (have) trust (in) me. If I taught one thing but acted in a contrary way, they would not do that. As I’ve said before, we are all the same in wanting happiness and seeking to avoid suffering. Therefore, it’s important that we restrain ourselves from even small acts of harm.”
As he was about to leave the temple, His Holiness came to the edge of the platform once more and told the students that it is because of his practice of bodhichitta and emptiness that they always see him smiling.
And his final advice to the students was, “what is most important ... is to have a sincere, warm heart.”
The Dalai Lama's teachings for Tibetan Youth at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala was held over two days from 30 May to 1 June 2023. 985 students from several local Tibetan Children`s Villages schools, 181 from college and 200 from the Dharamsala Buddhist class attended the sessions.