The encyclopedia will be in eight volumes, with an index volume as well. Out of these envisaged eight volumes, seven volumes have been completed and will printed by the end of year 2006. The first fascicle of Volume VIII, too, has been completed and was printed in January 2008. The second fascicle of Volume VIII is now in its proof stage. It will be completed and released by the end of March or April 2008.
Articles that will go into fascicles 3 and 4 of the last Volume are now being computerized and edited and printing of those two Fascicles will commence by the beginning of April 2008. The latest fascicle that is to be released to the reading academic public, Fascicle I of Volume VIII, contains 238 printed pages.
The leading contributors of research articles to this Fascicle are Professor P. V. B. Karunatilleke, German Buddhist scholar monk Dr. Bhikku Analayo, Professor E. W. Marasinghe, Professor C. Witanachchi, German Buddhist Scholar monk Professor Pas‡dika, Professor Nandasena Mudiyanse, Dr. K. Arunasiri, Ven. Professor Dhammavih‡ri, Mr. C. S. Ranasinghe, Bhikkhuni Suvim‡li, Professor P. D. Premasiri, Professor Lily de Silva and Professor P. B. Meegaskumbura. The Editor-in Chief Dr. W. G. Weeraratne profusely thanked these learned Buddhist scholars for their illuminating and masterly contributions.
The Editorial Board of The Encyclopedia of Buddhism is eagerly awaiting a suitable date and time to ceremonially present the first copy of the recently printed Fascicle I of Volume VIII, to the Hon. Minister of Religious Affairs, His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa, before the Fascicle is released to the general public.