The Mahanyakes’ have stated that some books published recently had distorted the life of the Buddha, his doctrine and the life and times of Buddha and Buddhism.
The Mahnayake’ have cited two specific books as examples of this distortion which they claim are titled, "Apa Upan Me Helabima Budun Upan Jambuddepaya" and "Buddhothpaththiya Heladivai" giving false information about Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, his doctrine and other events of his life.
Such distortions could be prevented if the scripts of books on Buddhism and Buddha’s life were submitted to a board of erudite monks and laymen prior to their publication.
The memorandum has been signed by the Mahanayakes of Mawatta chapter Ven Tibbatuwawe Sri Sidhhartha Sumangala Thera, Mahanayka of Asgiriya Chapter, Ven Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Thera, Mahanayake of Amarapura Nikaya, Ven Dauldena Gnanissara Thera and the Mahanayke of Ramanya Nikaya Ven Weweldeniya Medhalankara Thera.