In this art exhibition, artist Sherpa was able to do so. From his choices of colors to theme of paintings, all have perfectly depicted his inner feelings about peace and tranquility. Although he is young, artist Sherpa's message is clear and concise: the importance of spiritual peace.
Buddha is regarded as a messenger of peace. This is what one can see in various faces of Buddha. In his different sittings, Buddha has different meaning of peace to tell. Being an artist, Lama Koccha Sherpa tries to paint this reality of peace through his brush and colors.
"Students get their all lessons of Buddhism from their teachers. We cannot explain all but we can express real feelings and meanings of Buddhism through our paintings," said artist Sherpa.
Exhibited at Saturday Café, artist Sherpa, in his exhibition titled Glimpses of Realization, showcases Buddhism through colors. One of the important parts of artist Sherpa's paintings is that he has used bright shades to make his paintings more vibrant. Along with modern ways, artist Sherpa also incorporates the traditional elements of painting. Although his paintings give traditional glimpses of traditional art forms, he claims that he brought modern elements through color composition.
He tries to paint all forms of Buddha of Mahayana sect. From Bipashow Buddha to Shakya Muni Buddha, one can find all kinds of glimpses of Buddha.
His observations are so good that one can find the message of peace and salvation conveyed by the various images of Buddha. Artist Sherpa also focuses his attention on Yoga. With his paintings what artist Sherpa tries to convey is the deeper meaning of Yoga. "Yoga is not only a medium of physical exercise but there is a more spiritual side which I want to convey to others," said artist Sherpa. Yoga is physical as well as spiritual as it helps to improve the meditation and making the mind peaceful.
As a Sherpa, he also sees something interesting in mountains. In his paintings on Amadablam, artist Sherpa tries to paint the nature of peace and tranquility.
The painting of Himalayas particularly Mount Amadablam depicted peaceful nature. Snowcapped tall mountain with blue sky clearly gives the message what artist Sherpa wants to convey.
Although his topic is very difficult and complicated to explain, artist Sherpa is able to do so. As all these three are related to each other, artist Sherpa might understand the real ethos of these three. The painting exhibition is on still December 31.