This is the time for Buddhists to uphold the Buddha's teachings on Love, Compassion and Non-violence.
Ven. Dr. Wei Wu, Chairman of the Council of the International Buddhist College, appeals to Buddhists to remain calm and refrain from violence in physical, verbal and mental actions. He also appeals to Buddhists to pray for the victims and attacker(s) and their families.
He said in his address to the staff and students of the college, “While we condemn the senseless violence in any form, we must not retaliate with violence. The Buddha has taught us in the Dhammapada that 'Hatred is never appeased by hatred, hatred is appeased by love. This is the eternal law. The victor breeds hatred; the defeated lives in pain; the peaceful lives happily giving up victory and defeat.' This is the Buddhist solution to violence.
While we pray for the early recovery of the victims from physical injuries, we also pray for the early recovery of the attacker(s) from their mental anguish and the repentance of the senseless acts of violence.
While we appeal to the brothers and sisters of other religious faiths to practice mutual understanding and respect, let us also practice understanding and respect of other religious faiths ourselves.”