Higher Ordination on Buddha's Birthday
By Walter Jayawardhana, ToTheCenter.com, May 6, 2007
Nepalese novice receives Higher Ordination as highlight of Vesak in rural Virginia
Virginia, USA -- The higher ordination of a Nepalese novice bhikku became the highlight of the Vesak celebration on May 6 at the Bhavana Society Forest Monastery in rural West Virginia in the United States. Vesak marks the birth of Buddha.
<< Novice Bhikku Bisho Kirti Maharjan
The residents and Board of Directors of the Bhavana Society said the higher ordination of the novice bhikku Kirti Maharjan took place as the 25th higher ordination of this serene forest monastery, which is becoming a leading meditation practice center of the United States.
A society spokesman said the higher ordination was done under the preceptor ship of Venerable Henepola Gunaratana, head of the Bhavana Society Forest Monastery, Route 1, Black Creek Road, High View, West Virginia and under the tutelage of Ven. Witiyala Seewalie Thera, the founder president and abbot of the Minnesota Buddhist Vihara and Ven. Kirtijothi Thero of Nepal.
Novice Bhikku Bisho Kirti Maharjan was born in Katmandu, Nepal and was ordained as a monk at the age of 14 years at Kirti Vihara, Kirtipura Katmandu under the preceptor ship of Venerable Buddhaghosha Mahathera and under the tutelage of late Venerable Sudharshan Mahathera the abbot of the temple where the novice was ordained.
The novice Bisho Kirti Maharjan went to Sri Lanka for Buddhist studies and studied at Parama Dhamma Chethiya Pirivena Ratmalana and trained in monastic disciplines and obtained university diplomas. He speaks seven languages.
Presently, Samanera Bisho Kirti Maharjan is a resident monk at Minnesota Buddhist Vihara. He is the Principal of Minnesota Buddhist Vihara Dhamma School and he assists in meditation, religious, social and cultural activities of the community. He is registered as a licensed minister of Minnesota for conducting religious activities.