Chinese Buddhist monks pray for victims in Japan
NECN, Mar 13, 2011
Quincy, Massachusetts (USA) -- Their minds, hearts, and spirits call out to the people of Japan. At this Chinese Buddhist temple in Quincy, Massachusetts, the prayers are to deliver those who have been harmed to heaven and a better life.
The monks lead the service which will go on for an entire day.
Kwen Sik told us that buddhism teaches that all creatures are equal, and that she and others have great sorrow for the disastrous events in Japan. The Tsunami and earth quake are enormous disasters...and their hearts are with the people of the island nation as it struggles to right itself.
She says when she first saw the frightening images on her television, she felt great sadness.
The temple filled with people, a collection was to be taken up for a relief fund.
Sandy Wong-NG said she could not watch the suffering that the country of Japan is enduring.
Buddhists believe that everything is interconnected - every object, being, and concept is connected to what caused it, and what is around it. They are hopeful that their prayers will provide comfort.