Allan Bowman, who is overseeing the event in Fremont, said relics are the physical remains of holy people's bodies after they have been cremated.
These relics, often in the form of pearls or translucent jewels, are found among the ashes of the deceased holy person, he said.
They are only found in the remains of people who have lived truly transcendent lives, he said.
The collection in this exhibition includes relics from Ananda, Shiriputra, and other Buddhist masters, including relics from modern-day lamas, Bowman said.
"Many people have reported a sense of healing being in the presence of relics," he said.
He even recalled the testimony of one man who said the experience made him feel as if his molecules were being rearranged in a more wholesome order.
Bowman stressed that while many of today's monuments are buildings that symbolize commercial values, like Trump Tower, these relics are a symbol of more divine, spiritual values.
"Basically, inner peace and freedom are what this is really about," Bowman said. "A testament to that is the fact that this is completely free."
The tour will be at The Willits Center, 3755 Washington Blvd.
The opening ceremony will take place at 7 p.m. Friday,