China's Buddhist Forum - A Facade of Religious Freedom?
by Tenzin Phunsog, The Buddhist Channel, 10 Sept 2024
Himachal Pradesh, India -- As the sixth World Buddhist Forum approaches, we must look beyond the veneer of spiritual unity that China seeks to present. While the gathering of monks, scholars, and representatives from 70 countries in Ningbo might appear as a celebration of Buddhist values, it is, in reality, a carefully orchestrated attempt by the Chinese government to expand its soft power and rewrite its narrative on religious freedom.

The conspicuous absence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, one of the most revered figures in Buddhism, speaks volumes about the true nature of this event. By excluding such a prominent spiritual leader, China reveals that this forum is less about fostering genuine Buddhist dialogue and more about controlling the narrative surrounding Buddhism in Asia.
China's claim to be a protector of Buddhist heritage rings hollow when we consider the ongoing suppression of religious freedoms within its borders. The state's push for the "Sinicization" of Tibetan Buddhism is nothing short of cultural erasure, forcing religious doctrines to align with Communist Party ideology. This forum, far from showcasing China's commitment to Buddhism, is a smokescreen concealing the harsh realities faced by Buddhist practitioners in Tibet and other regions.
The involvement of the Buddhist Association of China, an organization tightly controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, further undermines the credibility of this event. This association, rather than nurturing authentic Buddhist practice, serves as a tool for the state to manipulate and control religious expression.
As Buddhists, we must question the ethics of participating in an event that tacitly endorses the suppression of religious freedoms. We should instead use this moment to draw attention to the plight of Buddhists in China who cannot freely practice their faith. The international Buddhist community must stand in solidarity with those facing persecution and demand genuine religious freedom, not just carefully staged displays of tolerance.
The World Buddhist Forum, in its current form, is not a celebration of Buddhist values but a propaganda tool. It is our responsibility as practitioners and supporters of Buddhism to see through this charade and advocate for true religious freedom and cultural preservation. Only then can we hope to foster a global Buddhist community that truly embodies the principles of compassion, wisdom, and liberation that lie at the heart of our faith.