A Petition Campaign for Buddhist Solidarity with the Monks and Nuns of Burma

"Love and kindness must win over everything"

We, the Buddhists of the world, implore the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC, the official name of the military regime of Burma (Myanmar)) to refrain from taking any actions that:

  1. Physically harm the Buddhist monks and nuns participating in the protest marches currently taking place in major cities and towns in Burma
  2. Infiltrate the protesting groups by pretending to be monks and nuns (via having the head shaven and dressing in monks' robes) and then instigitating violence from within through such pretension
  3. Offer poisoned foods as alms (Dana)
  4. Arresting and beating up people or persons who offers food and water (dana) to the monks
  5. Arresting the protesting monks and treating them like criminals, such as catching the monks by lariats and ropes, tying them up with wires and strapping them onto electrical poles, slapping their cheeks, kicking them with military boots and hitting their heads with rifle butts.

We appeal to the members of the military regime to act in accordance with the sacred Buddha-Dharma, in the spirit of loving-kindness, compassion and non-violence.

We implore the millitary regime to accede to the wishes of the common people of Burma, to establish the conditions for the flowering of justice, democracy and liberty.

We wish to convey our admiration and support to the large number of Buddhists monks and fellow Dharma practitioners for advocating democracy and freedom in Burma, and would like to appeal to all freedom-loving people all over the world to support such non-violent movements.

We pray for the success of this peace movement and the early release of Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

Show your support to the Burmese Sangha!

Please copy and print the above and galvanise a signature campaign within your community. Collect your list of signature and together with the message above, send it to the nearest Burmese Embassy located in your country (see below):

EMBASSY INFORMATION - Union of Myanmar (Burma)

Australia (Canberra)

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar, Canberra
22 Arkana Street, Yarralumla,
Canberra, ACT 2600
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri) 9:00 AM   -  4:00 PM
(Excluding Australian Public Holidays and some Myanmar Public Holidays)
Tel: 6273 3811; 6273 3751
Fax: 6273 3181
Email: mecanberra@bigpond.com

Canada (Ottawa)

Embassy of the Union Of Myanmar
Sandringham Building, 85 Range Road, Suite 902-903, Ontario Kin 8J6 , Ottawa .
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)   
Tel: 00-613-232-6434
Fax: 00-613- 232-6435
E-mail:  meott@magma.ca

France (Paris)

Embassy of the Union Of Myanmar
No. 60, Rue De Courcelles , 75008-Paris.
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)
Tel: 00-33-1- 42 25 56 95
Fax: 00-33-1 42 56 49 41
website : www.myanmarembassyparis.com
E-mail: me-paris@wanadoo.fr

Germany (Berlin)

Embassy of the Union Of Myanmar
Thielallee 19, 14195 Berlin.
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)  
Phone -(030) 2061570
Fax- (030) 20615720
e-mail : info@botschaft-myanmar.de

Indonesia (Jakarta)

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 109, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Tel (62-21) 314-0440, 327-684, Fax (62-21) 327-204

Japan (Tokyo)

Embassy of the Union Of Myanmar
8-26, 4-Chome, Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-Ku Tokyo 140-0001
Office hours: (Mon -Fri) 9:00 AM  - 12:00 Noon
                                 1:00 PM -  4:30 PM *(Monday is until 5:00)
Tel: 00-81-03-3441-9291, 3441-9292, 3441-9293,3441-9294, 3441-9029, 3441-9044
Fax: 00-81-3-3447-7394
website : www.myanmar-embassy-tokyo.net
E-mail:  met@zap.att.ne.jp

South Korea (Seoul)

Embassy of the Union Of Myanmar
723-1, 724-1, Hannam-Dong Yongsamn-Ku, Seoul, 140-210
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)
Tel: 00-82-2-792-3341, 796-9858, 796-7814
Fax: 00-82-2-796-5570
E-mail:  myanmare@ppp.kornet.net 

Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

Embassy of the Union Of Myanmar
No. 10 Jalan Mengkuang, Off Jalang Ru, 55000, Kuala Lumpur .
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)
Tel: 00-603-42560280, 42570680
Fax: 00-603-42568320
E-mail:  mekl@tm.net.my


Embassy of the Union Of Myanmar
15, St Martin's Drive, Singapore 257996 , Singapore .
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)    9:30 AM  -  12:30 PM
                                       2:00 PM  -  5:00 PM
Tel: 00-65-7350209. 7351672, 7356576
Fax: 00-65-7356236
E-mail:  emyanmar@vyberway.con.sg 

United Kingdom (London)

Myanmar Embassy
19 A Charles Street,
London W1J 5DX
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)
Telephone: +44 [0]207 499 8841
E-mail: memblondon@asl.com

USA (Washington D.C.)

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
2300 S Street NW, Washington D.C. - 20008
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)
Tel: 202-332-3344,  202-332-4350,  202-332-4352
FAX : 202-332-4351
Email: info@mewashingtondc.com
E-mail:  thuriya@aol.com

USA (New York)

Permanent Mission of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations
10 EAST 77TH St. N. Y 10021, New York .
Office hours:  (Mon - Fri)
Tel: 00-212-535-1310, 535-1311
Fax: 00-21-737-2421
E-mail:  myanmar@un.int

Thank you.
May the crisis currently engulfing Burma ends peacefully. May no beings - members of the Holy Sangha and lay people - be harmed.

Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitatha
May All being be Well and Happy

Please support to keep NORBU going:

For Malaysians and Singaporeans, please make your donation to the following account:

Account Name: Bodhi Vision
Account No:. 2122 00000 44661
Bank: RHB

The SWIFT/BIC code for RHB Bank Berhad is: RHBBMYKLXXX
Address: 11-15, Jalan SS 24/11, Taman Megah, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 603-9206 8118

Note: Please indicate your name in the payment slip. Thank you.

We express our deep gratitude for the support and generosity.

If you have any enquiries, please write to: editor@buddhistchannel.tv