Now the government repression and violence has began against the monks, six of the main temples in the capital have been surrounded by the army, and many monks are being beaten, jailed and a few assassinated.
The CBB urges all Buddhists and sympathizers of our religion, as well as members of all religious denominations to support those brave representatives of theDharma , whom have taken upon themselves the responsibility to protest against the atrocities against the population. Such a support might come in many ways, from protests and letters to their own government and to the international community at large to the simple and needed player to the Burmese people, its government and our brothers and sisters in the monastic community, so the situation can be resolved through non-violence as has taughtSiddhartha Gautama, the Buddha.
At this moment, in face of great tension and oppression, the Burmese monks keep following the teaching of the Tathagata, holding compassion and selflessness to the last consequences, which we hope to be the most serene from the Burmese government.
We wait the unfolding of events, but we urge everyone not to abstain, nor turn their backs from the situation, as the lives of those monastics depend of the international pressure; and to do so we need to make our voices heard, be it by email to the Embassies of U.S., Thailand, China, European Union, Russia, etc., as well as the Itamaraty (the Brazilian Foreign Relations Ministry) and the Brazilian media.
The CBB counts with representatives of Theravada Buddhism in its Board of Directors and Consulting Counsel whom will try to keep us informed of the unfolding of events.
Brazilian Buddhist Collegiate
(Colegiado Buddhista do Brasil)